HomeCPB Implementation Level Improvement

CPB Implementation Level Improvement

PAEP / National Experience

print MongoliaMongolia
  • 2017-11-01

    The National Biosafety Committee and Mongolian Biotechnology Association in collaboration with the UN Environment organized the First National BCH capacity building workshop in the context of the UN Environment  – GEF Project for Sustainable Capacity Building for Effective Participation in the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH III) from 12-14 October 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The workshop aimed at providing the country's key stakeholders with a common understanding of: the common format of the BCH records as well as the methods for finding information and the procedures for registering and publishing biosafety related decisions and identifying national procedures and operational linkages to gather information to be put on the BCH in line with the NBF's implementation and sustainability and training plan. The workshop was attended by 30 participants from governmental ministries, agencies, customs laboratory, National University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, General and Experimental Biology Institute of Mongolian Academy of Science, media offices, importers  and NGOs. The opening remarks and closing remarks were given by representatives from the Ministry of  Environment and Tourism, National Biosafety Committee. The workshop was facilitated by BCH NFP, Mongolian Biotechnology Association and Edmund Revilla, Regional Advisor of the BCH3 project, UN Environment.

    Bayarkhuu S
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