2021-02-10 580 Views Invitation to attend the webinar on "Gene Editing Research in Agriculture: Key I... Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings from BCIL! Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) in partnership with BCIL is organizing a webinar on “Gene E...
2021-02-08 591 Views Stepping up ambition towards the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Call ... Dear Madam/Sir, During the High-Level Segment of the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 14) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Governments of ...
2020-03-16 821 Views Bhutan conducts training on national BCH and other biosafety information reposit... Training on ‘National BCH and other biosafety information repository tools’ was held in Paro from 3-5 March 2020. The training was organized by Bhutan Agriculture and ...
2019-07-11 937 Views Invitation for 7th Annual "South Asia Biosafety Conference" Dear Sir, The South Asia Biosafety Conference (SABC) is the most highly anticipated gathering of scientists, regulators, policy makers and other stakeholders interested in mode...
2019-06-13 1012 Views ABF holds 5th Informal Consultative Committee (ICC) Meeting The Informal Consul...
2019-01-18 821 Views CBD Notification 2018-103 - Submission of information on synthetic biology and n... NOTIFICATION No. 2018-103 Dear Madam/Sir, In decision 14/19, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity recognized that sy...
2018-06-30 893 Views Fair at the UN Biodiversity Conference, including at COP-MOP 9 Dear former participants of the online discussion on public awareness regarding LMOs, Please note that the notification to participate in the Fair on Experiences and Best Pract...
2018-06-30 752 Views CBD Notification 2018-051 - Reminder: Submission of information requested in dec... Dear Madam/Sir, Reference is made to notification 2018-036 (https://www.cbd.int/doc/notificati...
2018-03-14 462 Views Online Discussion on Public Awareness regarding LMOs Dear Asia BCH Family, This pertains to the CBD notification inviting countty parties to the Protocol to participate in the online discussions on public awareness re...
2018-01-30 495 Views CBD Notification 2017-141 - Detection and identification of living modified orga... NOTIFICATION No. 2017-141 Dear Madam/Sir, Pursuant to decision CP-VIII/16, the Executive Secretary was requested to prepare a draft version of...