As a signatory to the Cartagena Protocol, Mongolia established a National Biosafety Committee adjacent to the MNE
[1] on April 24, 2008 for purposes of fulfilling its obligations to the agreement, and to manage and organize activities regarding biosafety in Mongolia.
The Committee will be led by the minister of the central administrative body in charge of the environment and operates with an experts’ council consisting of 19 members from the ministries of environment, agriculture, health, foreign affairs, education and science, and the GASI
[2], CGA
[3], GIA
[4], NEMA
[5], NCZD
[6], NCCD
[7], PHI
[8], FSC
[9] as well as one secretary.
In addition to regulating issues regarding LMOs, the National Biosafety Committee’s duties include ensuring biosafety in laboratories around the country.
[1] Ministry of Nature and Environment
[2] General Agency for Specialized Investigation
[3] General Customs Agency
[4] General Intelligence Agency
[5] National Emergency Management Agency
[6] National Centre for Zoonotic Diseases
[7] National Centre for Communicable Disease