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Asia BCH Family

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2019-06-13 06:53:12

[Announcements / Notifications] ABF holds 5th Informal Consultative Committee (ICC) Meeting

The Informal Consultative Committee (ICC) of the Asia Biosafety Family (ABF) held its 5th meeting on March 25-26, 2019 at Chitchareune Muangluang Hotel, Luang Prabang, Laos.

Members of the ICC from five countries namely Dr. Homin Jang and Mr. Wonhee Kim (Republic of Korea), Mr. Pisey Oum (Cambodia),  Mr. Letchumanan Ramatha, CPB Compliance Committee Member (Malaysia), Dr. Sandagdorj Bayarkhuu  (Mongolia), and Ms. Julieta Fe Estacio (Philippines), one representative from the UN Environment (Mr. Rami Abdel-Malik), and two UN Environment BCH  Regional Advisors (Dr. Ruel Maningas and Mr. Edmund Revilla) participated in said meeting.  A representative from India (Dr. Vibha Ahuja) attended as a resource person. The Government of Lao People’s Democratic Republic hosted the said meeting.

The meeting was convened to provide updates and follow up actions on the resource mobilization, review and finalization of the concept note of the Regional Project Proposal for UNEP-GEF funding, finalization of the of the letter of invite for country participation to the project, and updates regarding the ABF roadmap activities and targets.

The ICC resolved to exert continuous efforts in engaging countries and look for funding institutions that have the capability to support the post 2020 activities of the ABF. They also crafted the concept note of the Regional Biosafety Project Proposal during the 2-day meeting and started looking for potential countries who would likely to be interested to join and commit their country STAR allocation for the project. The said project’s objective is to have a sustained regional initiative for the safety in transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms by Parties for the implementation of the Protocol and protect the biological diversity from any adverse effects resulting from the introduction of LMOs. It was also decided to change the Family’s name from Asia Biosafety Clearing-House Family to Asia Biosafety Family in order to cater the purpose of the proposed regional biosafety project.

The ICC will continue its follow up and assist countries, as needed, to comply with the reportorial requirements of the Protocol; share  information and enhance public awareness within the region by updating country information and activities in the Asia Regional Portal (ARP) hosted by the KBCH; and involve the ABF in enhancing regional collaboration by presenting the Asia BCH Roadmap as a means to implement the Protocol.

The ensuing activities shall be sustained in order to achieve its objectives and realize its new vision “One Successful, Self-Sustaining Asia Biosafety Family Beyond 2020”.

Detailed information about the ABF can be accessed at: http://asiabchfamily.org/?menuno=107
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